how to increase watt

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New Member
I would like to now how increase watt in inverter I have inverter small inverter 150watt if I use the circuit for this inverter with anther circuit to give me more power about 2 or 3kw I need to know how can I make this . I attach simple block diagram for my idea.

Many Thanks


  • block diagram.pdf
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The circuit you need is a completely new inverter, one which is rated for 2 or 3 kw.

I guess this is not the answer you are hoping for, but it is the hard truth.

There's no simple way to do that.

You need to buy/build a larger inverter, there are no short cuts.
Hi JimB
Thanks for quick answare. You are right but why I follow this way because I live in hard place to get new inverter so for that I try to use the things I have like this circuit for small invetrer 150w to joined with anther circuit to get this power 2 or 3 kw.

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