How to interface a stepper motor with a car?

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New Member
I want to drive a car through a stepper motor that is connected to a computer. Where is stepper motor supposed to be located inside the car? Is there some kind of tutorial that shows how this is done mechanically?
perpetual_dream said:
I want to drive a car through a stepper motor that is connected to a computer. Where is stepper motor supposed to be located inside the car? Is there some kind of tutorial that shows how this is done mechanically?

You need to give more details of what you want to do, "drive a car through a stepper motor" is pretty meaningless?.

Do you mean just move the steering?, and do you mean a model car or a real one?, servo's are usually used - they have MANY advantages over steppers for such purposes.
1. Go through this first

Disk drive steppers may not be available anymore.

2. Then answer Nigels question. By then, you'll have a fair idea of what to do.
3. google for "jones stepper"
That should make you an "expert" on Stepper motors.

4. Read this too:
**broken link removed**

By now, you should be on your own!!
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i cant understand antthing. how is the car connected to your PC? via RF? or is the PC on the car? how big is that car? what stepper are we talking about? where are you from? what do you want from us?
I'd like to drive the simplest and smallest car on earth using a stepper motor. My main objective is controlling electrical appliances through network. Two computer together through after opening a session through socket programming. One of them is a server and the other is a client. The server(computer) is going to connect to a microcontroller through the serial port and the microcontroller is connected to a stepper. The stepper is supposed to drive a small car. If not a car anything that is really really simple but yet useful. Any ideas. Thanks for the feedback
hello. Am really in need for ur help and ideas. I want the simplest but useful thing that i can control thru a stepper. If it's a small car it's gr8
so what exactly are you asking from us? schematic? program?

and could you please draw your idea of connecting all of those things. is there a RF link etc.
perpetual_dream said:
hello. Am really in need for ur help and ideas. I want the simplest but useful thing that i can control thru a stepper. If it's a small car it's gr8

Why? Your request is still vague and cryptic. Is this for a school project? I doubt anything we will suggest will be helpful unless you are more specific.

You can begin by telling who you are and why you need what you are requesting.
Small car? Is this an RC car? This is starting to look like a game show?
Will it be wireless? We need for info.
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