=>> How To Interface Sd Card With Pic...? <<=

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New Member

Hi all i have 3 issues regarding interfacing SD card connector with PIC microcontroller..

1) What kind of SD card connector we should buy when the SD card has only 7 pins inside ? ( PS: SD card connector doesn't exactly has 7 pin out put and those connectors has 9,11 and 12 like wise out put pins even it has 7 pin inside )

2) what kind of modes we can use to access SD card ?

3) How to connect the SD card connector to pic and what pin configuration should be followed?

4) what sort of pins we should select and how can we identify them?

5) Can we use the below connector as SD card connector and will there be any out put pins? ( PS: i got this below picture from a SD card conector supplier site and only this kind of pictures are available there where i couldnt see any out put pins in it..)


need reply soon...

Why don’t you ask the full project instead of one by one?

One time asking programmer
One time asking a LF PIC
One time asking SD cards

Looks like going to take a patent.

Mp3 decoding & accessing to SD stuff is hard to do for a beginner
chamith20xx said:

Hi all i have 3 issues regarding interfacing SD card connector with PIC microcontroller..

I have counted five.

During the very short time between the start and finish of your posting, your issues has already increased to 5. I'm not a bit surprised very soon these issues will multiply like mad.

Just to show you a taste of what to expect, I have attached an image. It shows a MP3/SD design using VS1003 as the MP3 decoding chip, not unlike your present project idea but with added feature of lyric display on the LCD while a MP3 song is playing.


  • mp3.png
    41.5 KB · Views: 721

i asked about question.. I don't need your stupid sayings... please talk to the topic and if not leave it alone for the people who can reply... Don't confuse this thread and let others to read it if some one need any help regard this in future...

Tats all i can ask from u.. thnx

thanx alot for the picture brother..
but certain things has to be edit in that diagram because we are not going to do the LCD display part as well as the user nevigation part.. That is we are not suppose to get user control where only plug and automatic play capability has to be implement. User intervention with the device will not be expected.. well thnax a lot for the info

We were all beginners and we're all still learning something new. You simply don't seem to realize the complexity of your project. The only time I've seen people not use google are behind Chinas censor wall. Are you in China?

Oh no an angry baby
**broken link removed**

The design need only be that complex if you're using FAT files. To simply connect to an SD/MMC card and write/read data...it's pretty easy.

As was also pointed out, there is DOS-on-a-chip...I think SparkFun has it.


1.u must buy 9 pin sd card
2.use spi mod
3.download sd card datasheet and detect it's pins and use 4 pin of them for connect to pic:
data in..................................MOSI
data out................................MISO
cs(chip select)..........................(ss)
5. u can use other pin if u use soft ware configration that in this case u can use any pin that u want and defin it.

did you read forum rules yet ?
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