How to make a mouse has auto-right click every 20sec.

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New Member
I want to make a mouse has auto-right click every 20sec. How I do that?
Please help me.. I'm knowless about electronic.. thank you..
The simplest would be to make a 555 Timer circuit that triggers every 20 seconds. Use the output to drive a small relay wich is in parallel with the right mouse button...

check google for '555 timer circuits'
the 555 timer is a good an simple idea but a relay inside a mouse wod make things a bit crampd (If the reley wod fit).

Use an simple transistor insted of a reley (a transistor can shurly switch >1mA)
Someone Electro said:
the 555 timer is a good an simple idea but a relay inside a mouse wod make things a bit crampd (If the reley wod fit).

Use an simple transistor insted of a reley (a transistor can shurly switch >1mA)

Problem is you don't know what gets switched inside the mouse by the button, you would need to figure the circuit out to know how to place your transistor. A relay is completely system independent.
John Sorensen said:
I gotta ask, why would you want to do this?

Yes, same here - why?.

Depending on the answer, why can't you just do it in software on the PC?.

Some months ago, I made a robot that click on a mouse button. I can give you video and schematics, just give me your email.
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