OK. So now we all know that it is illegal in most countries to build/own/operate such a device UNLESS under government instruction.
We also know that some people - and we have plenty in the UK - just want to try and upset or interfere with other peoples lives irrespective of the legalities or consequencies. They believe that performing an illegal act in order to prevent another person going about their legitimate business is fully justified - terrorism by any other name - remember the WTC. At the local hospital this is referred to as IBF - Impaired Brain Function.
In a (supposed) free society such people are tolerated until such activities cause danger - in all its varied forms - to others. When this happens, governments tend to react by applying restrictions to everyone and the first group of people to object are the people that caused such restrictions. These are referred to as People Rejoicing About Terminal Stupidity.
As we look at various posts within the thread we note that some want order and legal structure and others want chaos and anything goes.
D1fferen7 wants to impose his will on other people to stop them from persuing a legitimate action but will not repy to the question
Pebe asked -
So what do *you* consider to be an irresponsible phone user?
Is this not the way that Dictators around the world behave?
gene I note that D1fferen7(UK) is now D1fferen7(US). How would Homeland Security deal with this?
If you go for a drive down the New Jersey Turnpike and see a car in flames. don't worry. It is just
lavenatti burning another mobile phone user and therefore protecting us from ourselves by imposing a dictatorial attitude on others.
lavenatti does raise some serious points. More and more countries are banning the use of non-hands free mobile phones whilst driving. This seems quite sensible.
I'm sick of people telling me they can drive and talk at the same time, they can't, you can't, no one can. I watch accidents happen once a week on my commute. If stopping someone from flapping their lips cuts down on that, good!
This part would also prevent you from having a radio in your car - it divides your attention, and if you have a passenger in the car NO conversation must take place as 'flapping' your lips is dangerous, don't talk on a bus as your conversation may cause a lapse in the drivers concentration, don't smoke whilst driving as this is even more dangerous - in the event of an accident any would-be rescuer could sue you as a result of passive smoking.
Where do you stop?
:twisted: :twisted: Come the revolution :evil: :evil: