You might consider using one half of a CMAX time code receiver IC. For example, this one:
**broken link removed**
(download the data sheet for details).
This type of IC has the gain and demodulator that you need, however they assume that you want to receive only one or perhaps three specific frequencies, and so crystal filters are used. If you replace the crystal filter with a tunable filter, you might be able to use this IC for a broad range of frequencies. Beware that the IC gets good sensitivity by recieving a very narrow bandwidth by using a crystal filter. If you don't use a crystal filter, your sensitivity won't be as good as the data sheet says.
One important thing about your project is to realize that the antenna or transducer that you use will be critical to getting good sensitivity. Normally for picking up radio signals at these frequencies, the sensitivity of the reciever isn't all that important because the electrical noise in the environment is so high that your sensitivity is determined by that noise, not by your radio design. If you plan on using electrodes or something like that, make sure that they do not pick up radio signals or radio noise from the environment or you will also suffer a high "noise floor" and poor sensitivity. You could avoid this problem by performing all testing of human subjects inside a faraday cage.