Woot! It works, If any of you wish to have the scematic, as I promised, kindly let me know and I will get it to you, as soon as I can get a program to draw out the scematic. Turns out, as I thought, the circut is very sensitive and you MUST place the components in the EXACT right spots, that is why along with the scematic, I will be giving photos at different angels of the finished prototype so as to make it easier to position the components. Thanks all agian for any help provided and I also MUST provide thanks in specific to my father and my Uncle for all the help provided. If you ever get the chace to read this, I know you both have very little time to put into such things and I'm glad you put as much time and effort into this as you have.
I'm so happy I finally got this thing working after 7 years of reasearch and development! Woot! If only I could share this feeling with you guys! I hope all your projects go off without a hitch.