How to make a Super Sesitive AM transiver from scratch

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Dull night, isn't it.

How did you guess?

Seriously and looking at some of the questions posted from the younger learning visitors it's like nothing has changed. Granted I was young but I well remember my father's frustration with me when I would want to use a motor to drive a generator to drive the motor. Things like that. During those early formative years I was forever doing really stupid things. Sometimes I wonder how I survived. Actually had an old car battery explode on me once. That was ugly.

I also feel for many of our visitors from countries that offer them so little to work with or grow with.

Slow night, lots of snow.

I wonder why this old thread was picked, there are plenty of ECG threads here that aren't as silly.

I wonder what happened to the fellow looking for the sheet that resists, or the hypnotic wheel? Were they the same person?
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I can tell because I'm sitting here!

At least I'm learning. Some about electronics and what's new, some about the amazing variety of people that arrive here and the amazing variety of problems, questions, and projects. I have always known I will never know it all, and I get plenty of proof here!

What the heck, it's a hobby, and it's cheaper than booze.
I also like the.

My TV is broken how do I fix it?


im a fnyl yr stdnt...........plz gv me all code nd scemtics for my projxt........hurry it s URGENT........

Seriously what the hell is that.
I try not to say anything about that because I haven't gotten over having emotions about the incredible stupidity that sometimes shows up. I'm afraid I'll say what I really think and get banned!

When I get over being amazed at why people that stupid are playing with electricity I might be safe to comment on it.
Maybe if you contacted a sleep diagnostic speacialist to find out what kind of tech they use to analize the mind while sleeping, could be helpful.
I too need a frequency detector that will pick up the 1 -40 Hz frequencies that are being remotely projected into my head to keep me from sleeping and other things.

If you have created this frequency detecor, please let me know, I want one!

Even if my premise is wrong, at least I'm willing to find out, rather than guess.
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I too need a frequency detector that will pick up the 1 -40 Hz frequencies that are being remotely projected into my head to keep me from sleeping and other things.

If you have created this frequency detecor, please let me know, I want one!

Have you tried an aluminum foil shield? For frequency that low, better to use a double layer.
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Shukufuku: I wish to have the scematic, please send me one! Thank you!

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Aluminum foil hats don't work! I have one that is two inches thick!

Haha, hope you're not also drinking colloidal silver. There are forums for folks that believe this sort of stuff. But you can't get real solutions for imaginary problems.

Please post a photo! I'll make sure it's on my Christmas cards.
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