How to make a (ups).

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New Member
Tell me the daigarm and also the procedure to make unintrupted power supply (UPS) pls I wait for your response . It work on 12V battery
You have not provided any information? 12 volts in and what out? Voltage out and frequency out? How much power?

Next, it is easier and cost less to buy one than build one.

first understand what **broken link removed** is and how it works. then u can proceed to automatic change-over switch. it is the automatic change-over switch that make an inverter unterruptable power supply (ups)
Do you want the battery to be Lithium, NMHD, or Lead Acid, how much current do you need for your power supply? DETAILS MAN!
first find out about an inverter and how it works. then proceed to automatic change-over switch. couple the two together, u get the ups.

good luck
I have a battery of 12V and 175A I want to make UPS 220V out put and also that UPS is support 1000W output, I have a Dry battry if u want more information reply me and if u understand tel me the diagarm and also component which required .If u have a site form which i got some information plz send me
8000PKR is $94 US dollars.

A UPS is easily the number one most popular request from folks in India & Pakistan, electronics forums get them on a constant basis. The answer is still the same, it will cost you less to buy than build.
Find a used one with a bad battery and then rewire it to use an external battery.

IF you know where to look you may get the whole thing for free!
8000PKR is $94 US dollars.

A UPS is easily the number one most popular request from folks in India & Pakistan, electronics forums get them on a constant basis. The answer is still the same, it will cost you less to buy than build.

You're probably correct (and thanks for doing the currency conversion for us there).

So let's say we humor the O.P. for a moment: let's say he (or she) is hell-bent on building their own UPS. Any designs out there? Schematics? How hard would it be to find parts? Have to wind your own inductors and transformers? Would it even be possible to do this on a DIY basis? And how much would it cost (parts)?
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