I was looking for an 1MHz oscillator for AM radio transmitter circuit. But I couldn't find one with the 4 pin crystal quartz oscillator. How to make an oscillator by myself with basic electronics materials? Any Circuit or ideas?
Do you have a license to operate a radio transmitter on the AM broadcast band that will not cause interference to other radio stations or other frequencies?
A very low power AM radio transmitter might transmit as far as across the street but it can cause interference to a neighbour who is listening to an AM radio station, then it is illegal.
Almost every company that makes crystal oscillators makes one at 1mhz. I order through digikey.com
What country are you in?
540 to 1600 kHz Any frequency in this range. You should look for a frequency that is not used in your area.
Is 1mhz open on your radio?
Do you any of the "oscillators in a can"?
We can show how to make a very simple one IC divide down circuit. (divide by 2, 4, 8, 16, 32....)
So a 16mhz oscillator is very common. One IC and you can have 1mhz.
Divide by numbers like 5 is harder and causes some problems.
View attachment 112260
Almost every company that makes crystal oscillators makes one at 1mhz. I order through digikey.com
What country are you in?
540 to 1600 kHz Any frequency in this range. You should look for a frequency that is not used in your area.
Is 1mhz open on your radio?
to the OP sr13579 ... be aware that these canned oscillators are square wave output ( designed for digital circuits)....
and therefore are full of harmonics and that isn't a good thing to connect an antenna to
I was looking for an 1MHz oscillator for AM radio transmitter circuit. But I couldn't find one with the 4 pin crystal quartz oscillator. How to make an oscillator by myself with basic electronics materials? Any Circuit or ideas?