how to make down counter (99-00)

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New Member
how will i make down counter using logic gates? i am not allowed to use one IC. i should cascade different logic ic to produce output (99-00) in seven segment..
Then use a PIC chip. It has all the "logic gates" inside the chip.
It is pointless designing a down-counting circuit using descrete chips. No-one in their right mind would waste time doing it.
Then use a PIC chip. It has all the "logic gates" inside the chip.
It is pointless designing a down-counting circuit using descrete chips. No-one in their right mind would waste time doing it.

Except a student.
Then use a PIC chip. It has all the "logic gates" inside the chip.
It is pointless designing a down-counting circuit using descrete chips. No-one in their right mind would waste time doing it.

i agree with mike. i am student and i think my professor wants me to use different logic gates and cascade them to produce 99-00 in seven segment.
Your professor should be teaching you how to use a PIC chip for a job like that.

Logic gates are a bit too "last century" for building a multi digit counting device.
First, this entire thread should be in the Homework forum.

What have you already studied? State-Transition Diagrams? State-Transition Tables? Boolean arithmetic? Boolean algebra? J-K Flip Flops? D-Flip Flops? etc?

We are not going to just do your homework for you...
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