How to make stun gun continously arc w/o damage

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New Member
Is there a way I can mod a stun gun so it can be continously arced without damaging the transformer? I was thinking that a bug zapper is always charged, yet it doesnt get damaged(bad comparison maybe). But the bug zapper does not arc, so I guess it works differently.
Anyway, anyone have insights on how I can do this?

It Depends on what your Stun Gun is? Can you show the circuit of yours?
Most Stun Guns can be run Continuous. But they are typically Hard on Batteries.

Hey- Ill take a pic of the circuit and post it here.
What component(s) would I need to make it operate that way? Or is it just rewiring a couple of things. There isnt much in components inside, a mosfet, big resistor, the tran. epoxied with the capacitor. Ill look again but thats bout it.
Unlikely that the components will sustain continuous service. You can heat sink the transistors, but the transformer will probably still cook in short order. Also, the insulation may not have been designed to sustain many hours or minutes of service.

If you're looking for something cool looking, why not work on a solid state tesla coil?
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