How to make Trigger voltage?

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Hi all
I wanna to simulate a mono stable circuit with 555, but I don't know how to make Trigger voltage for 2 and 4 pins.
which voltage source should I use?


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Schmitt Trigger circuit with 555

hi all
again a 555 circuit
It's an Schmitt Trigger circuit, pin 7 has no connection and this causes error during simulation
What should I do with the pin?
(sorry for probable grammar mistakes.)


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If pin 7 is not needed in the real circuit, you could just add a large resistor (such as 10meg) from pin 7 to ground for the simulation. That large value shouldn't have any significant effect on the circuit operation. (Make sure you use 10meg and not 10m which is 10 milliohms).
thank you so much.
and do you have any idea about How to make Trigger voltage in Orcad?
(that I said in the first topic.)
Not familiar with Orcad but there should be a voltage source that you can configure to generate a pulse.
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