How to manage frequent data exchange with controller dsPIC30F3011

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New Member
Dear All,
I am a beginner in embedded system. In my project I have to do a lot of writing and reading operations to/from the controller dsPIC30F3011 by my software application very frequently like 3/4 times per second. While doing this I am facing many problems like calling exceptions in my application and data loss. Please help me with some advice on how I can manage all these efficiently and without any data loss.

Please follow the attached *.c file if you want.

with thanks


  • main.c
    15.2 KB · Views: 229
Nice part the. dsPICs you can get to 40 MIPS with some. You're going to have to determine what bandwidth you need for you specific application. 4 times a second is an eternity to a microcomtroller.
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