How To measure weight so fast ?

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Hi, im going to make an automatic control system which needs to measure the weight so fast like ( 45 products/mins ) moving on a belt , and im using a load cell for measuring , and i found its so slow to do that , is there any other way ?
It depends on how accurately you want to measure the weight of the object.
We need to know a lot more parameters before we can suggest alternative ways to take a reading.
Hi, im going to make an automatic control system which needs to measure the weight so fast like ( 45 products/mins ) moving on a belt , and im using a load cell for measuring , and i found its so slow to do that , is there any other way ?

Are you sure thats its not the Indicator unit which is slow and not the load cells.?
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Yea, but we do averages ..etc to get the correct weight for weights up to 150kg , and we use 6 Digits 7-segments to display the reading . do you think its a bit slow or do you think that a load cell can do this easily ?
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Yea, but we do averages ..etc to get the correct weight for weights up to 150kg , and we use 6 Digits 7-segments to display the reading . do you think its a bit slow or do you think that a load cell can do this easily ?

Is it possible to reduce the averaging of samples within the indicator.?

Also I would scope the signal leads of the load cell outputs, while doing a run of test loads.
If the cell output levels off [reaches a flat top limit] it should be possible get a true weight.

If the cell output signal fails to reach a steady value, then the cell and/or the load platform is not suitable.

Can you do these checks and let us know what yout find.??
Yea we tried to do a test and the weights aren't stable over the belt cuz of the speed and the center of mass of the product vary while movin on the load cell so i dont know if this sytem can work or not , i will also try to do reduce the average samples , and i will try to read the data over serial port on hyper terminal to show how fast its .

I dont know also how to get the CORRECT weight over the belt ... is it really hard to get the correct weight over this high speed ..
Weight control

You want to build it yourself? I know that such a device exists but it is quite expansive. I've seen it working, it is quite accurate and you can setup the minimum and maximum allowed weight that will pass. any product above or under this values is pushed off the conveyor belt. as far as I remember it was a swiss product and it could handle at least 60 product a minute.
Yea i wanna build it and i've a business man who can afford it , but i dont know the tricks or the secerts of such machine ..
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