How to monitor Pure Sine wave Using dsPIC30F ?

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I have to design 2.5 KVA Inverter. As per the specifications given by the customer I have to monitor the output of Sine wave Voltage and its Frequency (110V +/- 5% and 50Hz). My question how can I monitor the Output Sine wave Voltage and frequency to the Voltages required by the dsPIC30F DSC's.
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Step it down with a resistive divider and bias it that it can be read by the dsPIC's ADC and use the ADC.

Or use a zero-cross detection circuit and use that to measure the frequency. Or rectify the voltage and step it down with a resistive divider and then use an ADC on that to look for the peaks to figure out the peak voltage.

Or use a transformer to step it down instead of a resistive divider (this is safer) and use the ADC.
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If you want to do it in a sophisticated (and more complex) way you can have look at this Microchip IC - MCP3909


I have played with it recently and it works nicely - by coincidence also connected to dsPIC30F - via SPI
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