How to program DIP PICs with Breadboard

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Funny NYPD

New Member
This is a tutorial about How to program DIP PICs with Breadboard. A BB0703 (PICKit2) is used as a demonstration, however ICD2 and other ICSP programmer can also be adapted.
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Is it just the same with the ICD2? Im trying to programm a 12f629 but am not abel to do this....

I have looked and conected the icd2 and pic correctly. I have tripple checked

pleas help me
Yes i know and so far i got the pic directly conected to the ICD2 (wich i got from a former employer and it says very dodgy so im not sure it works properly)

The ICD2 contains a PIC16F877 if that helps
and here are hte error messages i get

ICDWarn0020: Invalid target device id (expected=0x7C, read=0x0)
ICDWarn0044: Target has an invalid calibration memory value (0x0).

i cant seem to understand exactly what they mean

btw are there any restrictions on the cable length?
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According to Microchip, Cable length normally should be around 6 inches. Mine works on 12 inches cable though.

some time the ICD2 requires certain power on sequence, can you connect the ICD2 without target board first, then connect to your target chip.

Also power the target board with external power supply if you can. This will help get rid of many issues. The Microchip ICD2 ICSP interface circuit is kind of "weak" and easy to broke. So make sure all pin-out are correct and connected to the correct pins on the PIC.

Kryten said:
Is it just the same with the ICD2? Im trying to programm a 12f629 but am not abel to do this....

I have looked and conected the icd2 and pic correctly. I have tripple checked

pleas help me
The ICSP signal is exactly the same as the ICD2, though the PIN-out sequence is on the opposite way. I don't know why Microchip released the PICkit2 with a opposite pin sequence compare with ICD2.

Please make sure your PC has a good USB power supply or simply power your ICD2 with external power supply. The ICD2 seems working more reliably than power by USB on my personal experience.
With the universal programmer, the job is even easier:
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For more info, check out the following links:
2-in-1 and 3-in-1 Mini Labs
User Manual for 2-in-1 and 3-in-1 Mini Labs

3-in-1 Universal Programmer, support the following chips:
1. Flash-based PIC Microcontroller (PIC12F, PIC16F, PIC18F, PIC24F, dsPIC33F, dsPIC30F, PIC32F),
3. MCP250xx
4. EEPROMs (I2C 24LCxx, SPI 25LcXX, 93LCxx, 11LCxx)

Some other features such as:
0. ZIF technology for long life operation.
1. support both SMD and through hole package, SOIC-SMD upto 28 pins, DIP (through-hole upto 40 pins.
2. On board power regulator, provide +5V, +3.3V and +2.5V
3. Dual bi-directional Level shift for EEPROMs requires 3.3V and lower voltage programming.
4. 6 LEDs on board
5. 3 pull-up
6. 2 pull-down
7. 1 cap
8 10 uf Vdd cap for PIC programming
9. LED indicator on VDD
10. support both RJ12 and PICkit2 type connector, easily connected to PICkit2, ICD2, ICD3, RealICE, etc.
11. Jumper wire technology guarantee no worry for future PIC pin compatibility.
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Thanks for the good comment.
Here is another tutorial on programming and testing with 16F628A. It is based on the 3-in-1 mini-Lab, however, You can always use breadboard and get it working.

Au Group Electronics 3-in-1 mini-Lab application note for PIC16F628A Rev. B:
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The Hex file for 628A LED Binary Counter is available here:
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Program without PC:
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Tricks to play with the new 13/14K50 chips:
Some tricks Regarding PICKit2 debugging mode on 16F873A
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