How to program microcontroller for soft start three phase induction motor.

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International Rectifier’s IR213X series six-channel gate drivers
Application Note AN-985
Six-Output 600V MGDs
Simplify 3-Phase Motor Drives
2 of the 3 even inhibit software induced shorts.
Nigel Goodwin said:
As you're looking at very slow frequencies (50Hz or 60Hz), it should easily be possible to do it in software - but obviously choosing a device with helpful hardware could make it a simpler task.

Since my school has the tools for programming the M68HC11, so I think i will try to use M68HC11 for this project. Why is low frequency could be easily done in software?

ClydeCrashKop said:
International Rectifier’s IR213X series six-channel gate drivers
Application Note AN-985
Six-Output 600V MGDs
Simplify 3-Phase Motor Drives
2 of the 3 even inhibit software induced shorts.

Thank you for the information. Is this also a micro-controller which design for motor drive? As my school provide the programming tools for M68HC11, I will be using M68HC11. Hope I can learn and complete the task within 1 week.
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doinfinity said:
Since my school has the tools for programming the M68HC11, so I think i will try to use M68HC11 for this project. Why is low frequency could be easily done in software?

Because of the time you've got, a PIC running at 20MHz can execute 5,000,000 instructions per second - so you've got plenty of instruction cycles to play with between mains cycles.
Nigel Goodwin said:
Because of the time you've got, a PIC running at 20MHz can execute 5,000,000 instructions per second - so you've got plenty of instruction cycles to play with between mains cycles.

Thank you.

Since I decided to use M68HC11 to generate the gate pulse which use to trigger the thyristor and I going to learn the basic micro-controller programming. What resource or material is useful to me so that I can program the M68HC11 so that it can function as what I want in this project?
If you don't know what resources you need for the 68HC11 why would you switch from the ancient 16F84 to the hopelessly outdated 68HC11?
Why only a week to finish your project?
blueroomelectronics said:
Why only a week to finish your project?
Have to agree. Didn't you say you'd never programmed before? It's not gonna happen in a week unless you're some kind of genius. There's a lot of stuff to learn to get up to speed, regardless of which MCU you choose.

Maybe if you already have all the hardware you need to learn and practice, and if you go at it hard for like 18+ hours a day without a break...
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Thank you for all the information. Actually I have google many times for my project, but maybe i am not familiar with the project by using micro-controller, so not able to find any useful information.

blueroomelectronics said:
If you don't know what resources you need for the 68HC11 why would you switch from the ancient 16F84 to the hopelessly outdated 68HC11?
Why only a week to finish your project?

I use 16F84 just because online has tutorial teach the basic of micro-controller programming, and the tutorial is using 16F84.

I would like to use the 68HC11 for this project because my school has the programmer tools for the 68HC11, and don't provide any tools for Microchip micro-controller.

For a beginner in micro-controller programming, is there able to complete this project within 1 week? Because this is the period given by my supervisor.
To start this project, is there I need to first choose the micro-controller I want to use and use it to learn the micro-controller programming?

Can recommend any micro-controller which common and popular today? I afraid the 68HC11 and 16F84 is too old to be found. And any hardware or software are required in aid to program the micro-controller.
The IR213X series six-channel gate drivers just drive the MOSFETs including bootstrap for PWM to the high side. I use a PIC 16F628A to send it the 6 inputs in the bit patterns below. TableHigh is for the PWM.

TableHigh ADDWF PCL, f ;data TableHigh for bit pattern
; moved left one. RB0 is step input
retlw b'00001100'
retlw b'00100100'
retlw b'00110000'
retlw b'00010010'
retlw b'01000010'
retlw b'01001000'

TableLow ADDWF PCL, f ;data TableLow for bit pattern
retlw b'00001000'
retlw b'00100000'
retlw b'00100000'
retlw b'00000010'
retlw b'00000010'
retlw b'00001000'

Hi, does mean that I need both IR213X and PIC16F628A to achieve this? Can I just use PIC16F877A to do the project? As I wish I can just use 1 micro-controller to operate the project. And if PIC16F877A able to do this task, I will now start learning the basic of PIC16F877A.
From what I have seen, the PIC16F877A is the PIC16F628A’s bigger brother with more I/O and uses the same instructions. If you are equipped to program a 16F84, you can probably use it on these chips. Go for it!
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ClydeCrashKop said:
From what I have seen, the PIC16F877A is the PIC16F628A’s bigger brother with more I/O and uses the same instructions. If you are equipped to program a 16F84, you can probably use it on these chips. Go for it!

I see. So that the PIC16F series use the same instruction set. I can learn by using any PIC16F micro-controller, then apply what i learn on other PIC16F model.
ClydeCrashKop said:
From what I have seen, the PIC16F877A is the PIC16F628A’s bigger brother with more I/O and uses the same instructions.

Actually the wrong way round! the 628 is the 877's little brother, the 877 came out a LONG time before the 628. If I recall correctly the 877 was only the second EEPROM PIC to be released (after the 16C(F)84) - and caused a great deal of excitement at the time.
Just so I don’t get you in trouble if you are using these bit patterns.
Some of those IR103X chips use active low logic so you need to invert the bit patterns that I posted earlier. Turn on the low side for each phase first, then for PWM, alternate between low side only and both low and high.

Inverted for active low logic.
-------- Low only ---------- both low and high
Phase 1 111011 ---------- 111001
Phase 2 101111 ---------- 101101
Phase 3 101111 ---------- 100111
Phase 4 111110 ---------- 110110
Phase 5 111110 ---------- 011110
Phase 6 111011 ---------- 011011
(I had to put the dashes in to keep the columns formatted.)
I used Nigel’s second tutorial on LEDs at a template. It doesn’t take much modification to drive a 3 phase motor. Use the LEDs to confirm that it is doing what you want it to before using a IR103X chip. His Main board 3 is for the 16F877.
You might actually do this in a week if you can get parts that fast.
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Is there I need a PIC microcontroller and IR103X chip, then this project is easier? If only use a PIC microcontroller, then is more difficult to complete this project?
If you just use the PIC, then you have to make your own boot strap circuits to drive the 3 high side, N channel MOSFETs. I did it. That is why the positive logic on the first bit patterns. But it will take more than a week.
ClydeCrashKop said:
If you just use the PIC, then you have to make your own boot strap circuits to drive the 3 high side, N channel MOSFETs. I did it. That is why the positive logic on the first bit patterns. But it will take more than a week.

Hi ClydeCrashKop, thank you for your information.

I wonder if there is any example code similar to the project of soft start SCR gate trigger? As I think it will be easier if I have some sample code to learn from.
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