Which type of core transformer have you been used?
I have used the 4F1 core of the transformer. Now, I have changed to 3Mhz switching frequency of my circuit. I have tuned the C8 in the circuit in order to get the soft switching (ZVS). But, still the efficiency is 76% only. Here, I have used the two different types of the MOSFET's (i.e: EPC2025 and IPZ65R019C7) and see the results how it be.
When the circuit running with the EPC2025 MOSFET, Even the circuit satisfying the ZVS (zero-voltage switching) condition, the circuit efficiency is 76%.
So, how to improve the efficiency with this MOSFET?
When the circuit running with the IPZ65R019C7 MOSFET, the circuit not satisfying the ZVS (zero-voltage switching) condition (see in the waveforms), I have tune the component values as following the below mentioned document. But, the circuit efficiency is 76%.
https://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~culler/AIIT/papers/radio/Sokal AACD5-poweramps.pdf
So, how to satisfy the ZVS condition with this MOSFET?
Is there any problem with the core parameters of the materials like:
Effective magnetic length ‘le’, Effective permeability of the core ‘μe’ and Area of cross section ‘Ae’.
If you think there is problem with those materials, how to calculate them? What are the parameters we need to consider while calculating them?
Please, Can you tell me that where is the problem in the circuit and how to improve the efficiency of the circuit?