The point is that you should not have started a separate thread. If this is about the project in your other thread, post your questions there. No need to start a new one.
The point is that you should not have started a separate thread. If this is about the project in your other thread, post your questions there. No need to start a new one.
I am using the center-tapped transformer in SIMetrix simulation tool. The exciting tuns ratio of the transformer are 8:2. The primary tuns I have set to 8 turns according to the ratio.
Now, what value I have to give to the Ratio to primary 1 ?(See in the attachment)
Is the value of 250m or 2 according to ratio?
I am working class-E DC-DC converter topology. I have the problem with the drain-source voltage which is not immediately start to rise the Vds voltage after the gate voltage zero. So, what are the values need to tune in order to get the ZVS (zero voltage switching). I can get it at another side. See, the attached Vds file.
You only need one. I just had to merge 5 or 6 threads discussing this exact same DC-DC converter project. Keep the discussion in this thread. DO NOT CREATE ANY MORE!
I am so confused.....
1- Are you having trouble with the simulation or the actual circuit?
2- If it is the simulation go back to your original FET.
If it is the actual circuit tune the series C.