How to run a stepper motor using LB1845 Driver

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Can anyone help me out to run a stepper motor using LB1845??? I have done one PCB to drive stepper motor. But it is not working..I was totally confused in giving digital signals..Can anyone help me out from it..
Further details needed, e.g. digital signal source, motor type (how many wires), schematic.
Dear Alec,

Thanks for your reply.

I have attached the schematic. Kindly go through it. In schematic all the inputs for the driver at initial are in low(i.e.Pull downed).I was little confused with Phase pulses and the RC components at RC1&RC2 pins. I have drived an hybrid motor at 180PPS to 250PPS.Beyond 250pps It is not running. But this hybrid motor(4D1065) from shinano can work till2500PPS also. I have mentioned the phase pulses also. Kindly support how to proceed beyond this.
I have never used a LB1845. I suggest you thoroughly read the datasheet for that chip and any Application Notes. Also, try googling for 'LB1845 circuits'.
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