You have to calculate the rotational inertia of your rotating table. It really matters where on the table the weight is distributed. That is, how far the weight is from the center. Then you need to specify how many degrees per second you want to move the table from a dead stop to a given position. Or, if you expect it to happen, from full CCW speed to full CW speed to reach your desired position.
you'll also need info on friction because, some cheap hard casters on a plywood substrate move differently than steel wheels on a thick steelplate surface.
This can be a very challenging problem.
also, a direct drive as you suggest will require a huge motor - you might want to put the motor near the edge and add a belt to gear it down so you can use a higher speed motor.
Finally, an optical encoder of some sort will let you know where a reference position on the table vs the bow of the boat and you'll need an electronic compass to let you know where your table is oriented vs magnetic North.
Good luck.