We are doing conducted emissions of Mains equipment to 30MHz with PMM7010 EMI receiver.
(with the PMM Emissions suite software)
It has an internal LISN...if using it, how do you earth it.?..their diag on pg 33 shows an external LISN closely bonded to earth, and the PMM7010 far from the earth plane...but what if you are using the internal LISN...how do you "closely earth" the internal LISN?
PMM7010 USERs Manual....
Also, do you know the list of things that could damage the PMM7010?....IE, so that we can avoid doing them.
Also, as you know, the first measurement to take when setting up the
Conducted emissions setup, is the "noise floor" measurement, where
nothing is connected to the EMI receiver, and it should report
no emissions, (or very little).
Do you know how we can do this "noise floor" measurement?
At the moment we are above the EN55015 limit lines even when we have nothing