How to simulate analog signal in MPLAB SIM?

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New Member
I'd like to simulate an analog sinusoidal input on a pin; can it be done with MPLAB Simulator, or anyother FREE simulator?

It's a 440Hz sinusoid.
I'd like to simulate an analog sinusoidal input on a pin; can it be done with MPLAB Simulator, or anyother FREE simulator?

It's a 440Hz sinusoid.

Extract from MPLAB Help:

Because simulation is to the register level, and not the pin level, bit/pin names will be read as `0', as required for analog, although injected stimulus may have actually changed the value to `1'.
I read the help for hours, it's really complex!!!!
I was not able to figure out how to define the signal I need.... Any tip?
I need to put pin high, then low after 26 ms, then high after 26.... Should I add one line per each level change? at 26, 52, 78 ms..... 440 times?!? There is a REPEAT function, but I can't understand how it must be set: repeat every... what? Repeat which rows?!?
Is this what you are trying to do? Note it's 2.6mS (will give 192Hz). For 440Hz it should be 2.2mS overall - 1.1mS each half cycle.



  • 44Hz.png
    22.1 KB · Views: 1,481
Is this what you are trying to do? Note it's 2.6mS (will give 192Hz). For 440Hz it should be 2.2mS overall - 1.1mS each half cycle.


almost. I have to act on the comparator, not on the AD converter.
So the number after the "after:" has the same unit of "time units" on the left... What a hugly GUI....

Anyway you're right, I have 2.27 ms, not 26!

But the help says that timings in first columns are absolute, not relative, they all start counting from 0; so I guess I should use 2600 and 5200. And I can't understand what to put in "restart at:" field...
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Yes, my mistake, they are absolute. In that case I would put in 1300,3900 and restart at 5200.

Sorry, mixed my boxes up. It should be repeat after 5200 and restart at zero. Does that make more sense?

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