How to simulate Relays Isis Proteus

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New Member
Good Afternoon, I need help to simulate project in Isis Proteus. I put an relay to change motor spin rotation with relay and I don´t know how to connect. Somebody help,please?


  • smulation.jpg
    204.8 KB · Views: 575
I putted a reference but it still doesn´t working. I need to activate a relay to change motor rotation
The relay will work like sensor smoke


  • simulation 2.jpg
    233.7 KB · Views: 619
I putted a reference but it still doesn´t working. I need to activate a relay to change motor rotation
The relay will work like sensor smoke

What do you think RL3 is doing? The second side of the coil isn't even connected to anything!
I trying to connect RL3 to change motor rotation. The RL3 will change the motor to rotate to left side or right side. I ´m begginner to draw and simulate project in Isis Proteus
I trying to connect RL3 to change motor rotation. The RL3 will change the motor to rotate to left side or right side. I ´m begginner to draw and simulate project in Isis Proteus

My point is that the way you have RL3 connected is completely pointless, as you aren't even connecting to both sides of the coil. RL3 won't do anything at all.
can a cursor from RL3 change the side ? the motor DC can rotate to another side in Proteus?
I found this schematic from Internet but I really don´t know how to connect coil in battery 12 Volts. The other relay change the motor to run right or left side


  • imageproxy.gif
    6.2 KB · Views: 352
What is wrong with the circuit I gave you in post2#... That is a reversible motor circuit!!
The Isis Proteus doesn´t shows motor reverting rotation
Does the current flowing through the motor reverse polarity? That is all that matters; animated icons mean nothing to real engineers...
how much current relay´s consumes in this circuit?
Which way are better to measure current in this circuit?
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