how to use pspice?

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hi there, thanks for reply. By the way, can u show me the graph for this circuit? same voltage supply. using common emitter amplifier circuit. i will attach the pic later. my computer is kinda lag now
hi there, thanks for reply. By the way, can u show me the graph for this circuit? same voltage supply. using common emitter amplifier circuit. i will attach the pic later. my computer is kinda lag now

Post the circuit and asc file when you can, I will run it in LTS.
this is de picture of the circuit.
Vcc=15V, Rs=Re=Rl= 1k ohm,
R1=16k ohm, R2= 7k ohm, Rc= 2k ohm
use Pspice using 2N2222 transistor by assuming Vs=10 sin (6000pi*t)mV


  • Capture.PNG
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I will run it in LTS and when I see your LTS asc file I will check it for you.

Is this a homework question.???
no..just wanna learn how to use Pspice..its my first time. later we have test on pspice


  • transistor.sch
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no..just wanna learn how to use Pspice..its my first time. later we have test on pspice

I have drawn up that common emitter circuit and it works OK in LTS using that equation.

Have you managed to open your LTspice program yet.???
i mean when u want to input the data for Voltage supply, what data do u input?/?? pls refer this attachement


  • vsin.PNG
    38 KB · Views: 315
You should be able to click on the parameter and enter the parameter value in the "Value" box.

The VAMPL value should be 10mV, if PSPICE defines a peak value. If it specifies RMS then the value would be 0.707 X 10mV.

The FREQ should be 6000pi/2pi or 3000Hz.
Post the circuit and asc file when you can, I will run it in LTS.

The PSPICE simulation proves that the proposed computing model is correct,The simulation with PSPICE program proved that the designed circuit has ideal character of Schmitt circuits.
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