How to using PIC to interface with parallel EEPROM AT28C256

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New Member
I want to using PIC to build some application have external memory.
I use parallel EEPROM because my application need fast speed to acess.

I wander if i can using the PIC16F77 or any other PIC to interface with AT28C256 ROM.

Have any one who have experience in this field? Give me a schematic and the code which demonstrate how to acess write/read data to/from the memory in AT28C256 using PIC.
You could interface a 28C256 to a PIC, but with 15 address lines, 8 data lines and a couple of control lines, you will be struggling to do anything else with it.

Why not use one of the 18F series that have 64K internal flash. That gives you 32k for your application and 32k to replace the 28C256.

The architecture of the Pics isnt designed to have external memory..
They are just not made that way..


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