How to wire a two-way switch from a wall plug

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New Member
Hello! I am trying to wire a normal two-way switch to a light socket plugged on the wall (120W). I just want to know exactly how I am supposed to wire the switch sing I have 2 wires coming from the wall plug and two from the light, considering there is only two places to "connect" on the switch. Help would be greatly appreciated!
Here is a wiering diagram for this.I see you dont konw almost nothing abaot electronicks

I cod give you a shematic but i dont think you wod understand it.


  • Switch_431.gif
    1.9 KB · Views: 709
Alomst forgot to tell you that you beter pute the switch on the faze wire (the wire that torse scrudrivers light up).Thace the ground drirectli.Or else you might get shocked wile you chage the light bulb even trugh the switch is off(trugh evriting functons corectly)
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