how to work triangle wave generator?

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New Member
hi guys...i am curious about how to work that circuit...


  • trianglle wave.PNG
    58.7 KB · Views: 279
The first opamp is a Schmitt-trigger circuit with positive feedback to provide the hysteresis.
The second opamp is an integrator.
I told you already.
Positive feedback makes the square waves and the integrator makes the linear ramp for the triangle waves.
i am gonna tell it to my inspector and i need to explain by using graphics... could you explain it by graphics like that?


  • sekil314bqn9.gif
    3.6 KB · Views: 190
it is not my circuit's graph....i mean you can tell like that how to work my circuit
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This is getting tedious.

baggio2, do you know how to use Google? Try: triangle wave generator opamp. You'll get things like this: **broken link removed**

Please come back with specific questions.

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