How to write professional looking test document ?

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Attached is sample test cases document.

What is the best program to write test cases professionally, with very nice fonts, etc.? Should I use html or xml or some other program ?


  • sample test cases - Copy.pdf
    367.6 KB · Views: 240
Attached is sample test cases document.

What is the best program to write test cases professionally, with very nice fonts, etc.? Should I use html or xml or some other program ?

I've written about a hundreds of these professionally. I use MS word, then save as PDF.
The PDF can be linked to a html page for viewing on web server (SharePoint is popular for this). Some argue HTML is best, however, I can still view a PDF if a web page is unavailable. Just my opinion...
>> I've written about a hundreds of these professionally.
The report that I attached in my original post is something I came up with. I want to write good test report. Could you share some of your test reports or review my test report? Or point to some source that will teach me how to write comprehensive test report.

Not really as the docs are proprietary. But your doc has the correct basic form.
Use a table with a test case ID, description, expected output, P/F columns.
In the description column you can point to a test procedure doc.
I would add Signature and date field at the bottom for accountability, if that's important.
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