How to write program for counter in assembly

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I want to learn how we write code for counter in assembly for 8051 what should i know before to make code for counter
I want to display digit from 00 to 10 on LCD please anyone explain or give me sample code where I can learn
When you say LCD.. Do you mean like a 16x2 Hitachi style?

I have some code somewhere, Maybe at work... Most of the low level code was in ASM but wrapped in C so you could see what happens... I'll see if I can find it,,
I sat down last night and wrote this in SDCC.... I use SDCC as it is not only free but a very good compiler.

I use VSMstudio ( free at labcenter )

Here is the zip... Inside you'll find LCD.C and LCD.H also a main.c that has the counter ready to go..

If you need a clock source in or interrupt.. Let me know.


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