HP Pavilion, Windows XP

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In the upper right corner of the keyboard is a button labelled prt scr over a line which below is written sysrq.

How do I get the screen printed?

The PRT SCR button would actually print the screen on old DOS machines. Now it copys the screen bitmap into the clipboard. If you then paste the clipboard into a paint/photo type program, you can edit/print it from there.
In the upper right corner of the keyboard is a button labelled prt scr over a line which below is written sysrq.

How do I get the screen printed?


Well on my computer if I hit shift prt scr and then open an application like Wordpad and then right click / paste, a copy of my desk top gets pasted into the document. You can then select print from the application if you want a hard copy.

So the fundemental thing is that prt scr places a screen shot into the windows clip board, not directly to the printer.

That help?

Edit: Looks like Carl beat me to it ;-)

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Ask, and ye shall receive!
It works exactly as y'all said.
Thanks, guys. . .
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