HT Calculate current limiting resistor for hi-pwr, sequencially pulsed IR LEDs??

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New Member
I'm looking for an online calculator or a formula to calculate the current limiting resistor for hi-pwr, sequentially pulsed IR LEDs.

This will be used to provide IR illumination for several security cameras and I'm trying to get the maximum illumination without burning out the LEDs.
The circuit details are as follows:
I'm using an 8 bit MCU (Parallax SX-28) to to control several banks of LEDs. Each LED bank will have 9 (or more) IR LEDs that are pulsed on, one by one. Circuit voltage will be either 9 or 5 volts (probably 9 V). I'm still writing the code, but will start with a pulse duration of 1 µ sec.

Thanks in advance for any info, suggestions or links
Example of LED pulse sequence: LED 1 pulsed on, and all other LEDs are off, then LED 2 is pulsed on, and all other LEDs are off (then #3..4..5..6..7..8..9..then back to # 1..2..3 etc)
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