ht244 datasheet

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anybody know where can i find of this ic datasheet.. i coudnr find at alldatasheets and google pls help me..
i dont know, thats why i am asking..

I found from **broken link removed**
but is this same with ht244?
The reason that I asked is that I never heard of an ht244. I suspected that it was related to a part with a number like:

74xx244 where the xx indicates the technology used to fabricate the device.

The function of such a device is a tri-state octal buffer. In order to find a datasheet you have to get the part number precisely correct. Sloppy halfway measures just won't do the job. What are your plans for the part?
Hi Vedo35
please try describe the ic -- dip -- no of pins -- location around which you found it-- something like that--

i got it it is hct 244 from TI & datasheet attached
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All my kind thanks a lot for helps.. I didnt look to all pages..But it`s writing down of page..

But special thanks for your answers..
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