Huge led matrix - what chip do I need

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I'm building a huge led matrix out of bi colour leds with a common cathode. So there are two anodes, one for each colour and a gnd pin. I'm confused as to which chip to buy. Is it not possible to buy an led driver that would drive 144 leds arranged into sixteen 3*3 matrix. I was under the impression an led driver, is basically a power source for leds. Ideally this should be either soic or pdip. If possible I would like invididual control to every single led as well (not absolutely nesscessary but fun to play with )
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What kind of price range are you looking at? Electronics will scale easily, but so will the price, if you don't have a ballpark you might be in for some serious sticker shock.
I mistakenly brought an led driver for common anode leds. This is why I've asked.
Would it be possible to use one to drive the cathodes using the mm5451 then use a shift register to drive the anodes?
Reason being the leds are common cathode hence it's the anode I need to drive to switch betweem red and green. Also if am not mistaken by using th led driver I wouldn't need to solder 288 resistors lol.

The easiest option for me is pdip since I'm not very good at soldering at all. MOst of the circuits I solder work eventually but it's by no means professional soldering.

I get the two for around a fiver so that well within budget. Since this is just for the sake of me
learning something I don't think it's worth spending more than that.
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Not that many led drivers that source current, Maxim has them. I am surprised that I never run across the TLC5920 before, which is a constant current led matrix driver (i.e. 16 bit source and 8 bit mux sink in same package). It would take two of them for individual on/off led control of a 16 x 8 dual color matrix (1/16 duty cycle).
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