R rockhtown New Member Sep 24, 2019 #1 Hello, we have about 300 analog cordless telephones that have everything working on them except the ring when calling the phone. I am thinking it is a small component that needs to be replaced or it is corrosion that is blocking the connection. I am hoping someone can help me figure out where on this phone the defect is coming from. We tested the ringer and it works but when you call the phone it wont ring. All other features work just fine. If it is a component you see that needs to be replaced let me know a site it can be purchased if known. See photos Thanks so much. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPC5L6jAn3QgJFupduYqD3IHX_FZCPiB1o2wVeY6hfMYgMgPT7FiVBzmTGTN_zrMQ?key=Nm5iaHQtbEFJbDlYS250M1AxLWdPeXpZRkFscm1n https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMOdsnQaXAmOdDOaMKLk0xX8wx2oYN4mGuKbDGvjgqoGC2NhDay1XfWH9OPyfSdtw?key=OC1NdTdhX1ZIc0tmbDVLN0pJdWFUUVpSaU5sLVFn https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipP_HRhUO5pzzV7tTGqphl6n4mzckGQRzfasGf7h91J64klS8p0-1dLRo3T_d2YuUQ?key=cy16MlFCbGh6ZXpoYTI1VTdTSEFSMmlhT1dzbVp3 Attachments iboard 1.jpg 94.4 KB · Views: 282 iboard 2.jpg 85.6 KB · Views: 285 iboard 3.jpg 81.4 KB · Views: 269 iboard 4.jpg 135.9 KB · Views: 282
Hello, we have about 300 analog cordless telephones that have everything working on them except the ring when calling the phone. I am thinking it is a small component that needs to be replaced or it is corrosion that is blocking the connection. I am hoping someone can help me figure out where on this phone the defect is coming from. We tested the ringer and it works but when you call the phone it wont ring. All other features work just fine. If it is a component you see that needs to be replaced let me know a site it can be purchased if known. See photos Thanks so much. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPC5L6jAn3QgJFupduYqD3IHX_FZCPiB1o2wVeY6hfMYgMgPT7FiVBzmTGTN_zrMQ?key=Nm5iaHQtbEFJbDlYS250M1AxLWdPeXpZRkFscm1n https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMOdsnQaXAmOdDOaMKLk0xX8wx2oYN4mGuKbDGvjgqoGC2NhDay1XfWH9OPyfSdtw?key=OC1NdTdhX1ZIc0tmbDVLN0pJdWFUUVpSaU5sLVFn https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipP_HRhUO5pzzV7tTGqphl6n4mzckGQRzfasGf7h91J64klS8p0-1dLRo3T_d2YuUQ?key=cy16MlFCbGh6ZXpoYTI1VTdTSEFSMmlhT1dzbVp3
Nigel Goodwin Super Moderator Most Helpful Member Sep 25, 2019 #2 Try mentioning what country you're in, and if the phones are ones intended for that country, as that has a great effect on phone ringing.
Try mentioning what country you're in, and if the phones are ones intended for that country, as that has a great effect on phone ringing.
KevinW Member Sep 27, 2019 #3 Does the caller hear the ring trip or quit or does it just keep ringing?