hyperlink to Electronic Projects Design/Ideas/Reviews does not work

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clicking on Electronic Projects Design/Ideas/Reviews does nothing ...
Problem started about 24 hours ago ...
Bookmark page also not working.

To summarize, I cannot view the Electronic Projects Design/Ideas/Reviews webpage.
The other forum topic pages work fine .... just that one that is a problem.
The apparent problem seems to be limited to Firefox ... maybe something to do with updates to FF versions 8,9 or 10.
There is not a problem viewing any Electro Tech forum on Internet Explorer .... only with Firefox.
... could be related to some recent forum upgrade though.
Works for me in Firefox and MSIE, if I right click the link on the home page in Firefox and choose "Copy Link Location" I get:


If I right click the link in MSIE and view the properties I get:


They both come up identical for me. That is Firefox 10.0 and MSIE 9.0 each current with any and all current updates.

Yes I get the same result from right-clicking in Firefox on the idea-review link....
However, in Firefox, there is no page transfer to the selected forum page : https://www.electro-tech-online.com/forums/electronic-projects-design-ideas-reviews/

When using Internet Explorer, the idea-review link correctly transfers to the forum page ....

Something is apparently wrong with Firefox ... even though everything is updated.

Maybe I should try removing and re-installing Firefox ... something could be corrupted.

Tried Firefox removal, new download of FF10.0, re-installation ... no difference.
The idea-review forum page is the only forum page that does not transfer to the appropriate website.
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Well my first thought was blow away Firefox and I see been there and done that. Something you can try is to disable the add-ons in Firefox and if the link(s) work start to enable one at a time. Since that link fails to work and others work you have to wonder what it is about that link? Weird stuff.

I tried that ... disabled add-ons ... no help.

... Momentarily disabled firewall ... no difference.

Must be something related to my computer or hard drive ... no one else seems to have this particular difficulty.

Did you try typing this into the address bar:


See if that does anything.
Tried it ... does not work .... just goes to the page with the list of all forums.

Next step is to get a new hard drive ... or at least a different one ... and see if the problem persists.

I installed Firefox 10.0 to a completely different drive on my computer. Running Firefox from the different drive did not solve the problem ... cannot reach idea-review forum from Firefox on this computer.

... no problem with Internet Explorer.
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Link works fine for me, using Firefox(3.6.12).
Must be something unique to your pc/software settings. Have you run a virus check?
... using Kaspersky PURE ... don't see how a virus could be the difficulty ... no other prominent symptoms or virus characteristics.
The event seemed to occur about the time of the last forum upgrade.
Yet, the problem seems to be limited to my personal computer... nobody else.
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page snapshot

clicking on the link within your previous post produces the following image when run under Firefox version 10.0:

Here is the image of the link when run under Internet Explorer version 9:

I have previously run the Western Digital disk check program on the C: main drive disk.

This is a hard disk error search and correct type of program.

... I wonder if there might be an error associated with that particular program which caused the present difficulty.


  • ideas-reviews IE.PNG
    303.6 KB · Views: 274
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That's very strange. Have you tried a different browser? If the problem still persists on other browsers, it could be a problem with your drive. Otherwise, try re-installing FF, or just use another one that works

Hi user_88,

Try loading the Web Console in FF. Click orange Firefox menu > Web Developer > Web Console and then watch what shows up when trying to click the forum link.

In my experience this is not a hardware issue but a software issue.

problem resolved

Thanks EM ...
Firefox Web Developer showed that the idea-review URL request was not actually requesting the idea-review page. .... Instead the over-riding forum page was being requested.
While looking at the Firefox Options menu for something related to cookies, blocked pop-ups, or other possibilities, I accidentally discovered the solution.
Just trying things out, I looked at the Firefox Options Menu and tried clearing the Advanced/Network/Offline Storage cache ... which showed that it was currently using 1 GB of disk storage.
Upon clearing the Storage cache, and rebooting the computer, the problem has disappeared.
Currently my cache usage is down to a modest 2 MB of disk storage. I guess that I will have to keep an eye on this parameter every few years.
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