I am glad I decided not to become a doctor

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what did you mean by the following: "shaky appendage"?

Hehe - a Freudian slip I guess.... wasn't thinking anything off-subject at the time of posting that! So, the pertinent question is, what state is your mind in?

Actually I just heard two things. Gold has dipped just under 800 USDs. I think about 785 but it is always at it's lowest in the month of August. Now is the time to get it if you can. Silver is around 12 dollars but went up over 20 dollars last winter. They will both go back up. Silver was 50 bucks in 1980! So I think it is a great buy at 12 bucks. Of course the world standard currency is black gold these days. Anyway, you are totally out of it if you think the US paper dollar is worth anything. There is talk of going to an "Amero" dollar. Good through Canada, Mexico & the US.

But getting back to the other. I just heard that purple corn has more antioxidants than blue berries!
HiTech, let me put it this way.
I haven't seen my wife in three weeks.......
and do you know what the best part is. I'll be seeing them (2 kids also) tomorrow, or if energy levels allow, tonight already. (I still have to travel about 320km to get to the family.)

So you can say that I'm shaking from withdrawal symptoms.
SV.... purple corn?

Never heard of it.
I know about blue berries, really potent anti-ox. But punchier than that, shoo!

Imagine the value of all the Olympic gold medals if stashed together.
Arrie, Corn comes in a variety of colors, often referred to as Indian corn in the US. We can even get purple corn chips. John
We only have yellow and white.

Must be a climate thing
No, what you don't have is a food dye industry that dopes ship loads of food to make it more eye appealing... especially after the natural colors and flavors have been purposely removed in the first place. Consider yourself and your countrymen lucky! We have many folks here walking around with tattoos, dyed hair, and dyed food!

Actually we're the only industrialized nation that thinks GMO foods are fine.

**broken link removed**

But is it falsifiable?
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Lookin' for love in all the wrong places...

....that's why it's important to know

We also have a lot of human canvases around here, were even neighbours to some at one stage. Not the best experience.
They would arrive back home like 1:00 AM after a party or something, and suddenly decide a braai is a good idea.
Right next to our bedroom window.
One canvas one night wanted to scale the wall and perform whatever dubious act in my property. It could thank its head that it did not.
My Philippine bamboo would have cracked its skull part of its canvas.

I'm sure we will also get GM food here, just very well covered up. By the way, why the hell does tomatoes last that long these days?

Colored hair is not weird either.

But one thing we have that you don't is one disgusting habit:
Making so-called medicine from children body parts, normally genitals, etc.
How disgusting can that be - some idiot actually eats or drinks that believing he'll be cured from whatever illness.

Sorry, hope you guys are not eating while reading this.

In that sense GM-foods should not be that bad. After all the tomatoes that have been altered using some moth gene to last longer still tastes like a tomato, and you can eat a moth too, if you really want.
What in the world??? Where in S.A. is this practice being done and is it clandestine or legalized by the government? What age are the children at for these meds to be made? This kind of thing must be a jungle tribe practice--- hopefully not in the more civilized parts ??
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Actually we do have that. What do you think Botox is? Them weird holly wood types get that stuff done.

There is much worse but I won't go into it.
Actually we do have that. What do you think Botox is? Them weird holly wood types get that stuff done.

There is much worse but I won't go into it.

You lost me there, SV. Botox is not made from body parts of children of otherwise. It is produced either by recombinant DNA methods or naturally from a bacterium, Clostridium botulinum. C. botulinum causes a disease known as botulism, which is a type of food poisoning one can get from certain types of improperly prepared, canned foods. It is rare in developed countries.

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HiTech, unfortunately it's real.
Children are usually kidnapped and murdered for this practice.
There was a time when it was real rife in news bulletins. Have quieted down since. But I remember when I was teaching, there was a big thing about where kids are during exam times, they would come, write their paper and leave.
That has since changed, and parents must fill in forms to allow kids to leave, otherwise they have to stay the full normal school hours.
It happened that a young boy and girl left their school early. One day later their bodies were found at a soccer field. The required parts cut out/off for what was believed medicinal purposes (muty or mooty, not sure the spelling).
This was in an area that is approx. within 50km from where I'm staying.
And yes, it roots back to some tribal age old thing. There are certain conditions, children must still be pure, not have had sex.
Some groups also believe that having sex with a very small (pure) child will cure AIDS, that's part of the reason why SA have such huge child rape figures.
I know not the official figures, but it's said that a woman or child is raped here once every 20 seconds or something. It's so shocking that as I say this I find it hard to believe what I'm typing, but that is the stat used in anti-crime advertisements.
The vulture population is under similar pressure, as it is believed eating the vulture's head and brain will make you stronger in some way.
The bearded vulture is facing extinction, their population have decreased 50% since something like 2006.
Some weird rituals on this continent.
You may spare a prayer for Africa as a whole.
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