I am making a Rotatable CD Stack and...

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I am making a Rotatable CD Stack and wish to know how to control what side of the CD Holder I wish to select a CD from. It is a square shape and I was thinking of using a micro switch but need further assistance.
Can any suggest how to control how far the CD Stack turns?????
Here's a simple design using a micro switch as a stop . If you use a DC motor You can turn it both ways ( CW/CCW)
use a cherry microsw ( or equivalent ) with a roller arm. All you have to do is make a cam that activates the MSwitch when the labels are facing you. Think of a star of David , two squares together with one 90 Degs. out of placement with the other. The bottom square represents the face of the CD, the second one is the point that activates the MSwitch...I hope that's sufficiently obscure.


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Rotation control


You can use a four position rotary switch, with the common connected to the motor (or motor relay), the other terminal of the motor to the positive.

From each terminal of the rotary switch to the N/C of one of four microswitches . The common terminals to the negative.

Arrange the microswitches in a 90° distribution around a circular disk with one slot (wiht a ramp in the out side), wide enough to allow the motor to stop.

When the R Sw. is turned in any direction, the motor will be fed until the slot is reached and then it will stop.

If a relay is used it may short circuit the motor (if it is a DC permanent magnet type) in the N/C position to brake it faster.

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