I am the most Important Person on my Robotics Team!

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New Member
After last tuesday, I suddenly became a major key player, because I am now their electrical and Wiring Expert. I have been Given the task to hook up 2! of these systems, not counting the wires to the motors, the servos, sensors, Vectors, Fuse safety system, battery supply and potentiometers.

**broken link removed**

I Get to hook up My own team (494) and Team 70's Robot, not to mention that it has to be PERFECT and neat, or else we could have problems. Woo Hoo!

Attachment: Labeling of each part, plus how many. There will be definite changes by January 10.


  • Robot control system.JPG
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I'll bet everyone is the most imortant part of your robotics team. There are many roads to Atlanta, only a few of which involve moving some triangles, rings, or squares around a field. Your team's notebooks and construction reports can get you invited, as can helping another team (whether FTC, FLL, or another FRC team.) Teamwork and professionalism are vital. And unless you're from a wealthy school, the people who write grants and coordinate fundreaisers are pretty important too. (If you qualify, Atlanta costs an additional $5K plus each member's expenses.)

And if another team's head electrician says 'Krumlink taught me...' it WILL come back to you and your team.
Your school wouldn't happen to have a budget, would it?

Oh, and (even though my sig kinda makes it sound funny), there really is no I in team.

You may think you are the most important, but without the rest of your team, you have no importance. You are all equal.

on a side note, how about some part numbers for that equipment?

EDIT: Crap. Lefty beat me to it...
You FIRST robotics kids with all of your money...my school never had the initiative to do anything like FIRST, or the money. Our operating budget for five robots per year was under $700. Quite a lot of fun though; re-purposed parts can be interesting to say the least.
I'm that in my design project group- and it sucks. It means I'm stuck doing most of the work. I hope that's not the case for you.

Yeah, we have only $36,000 Per team...

We were WORLD CHAMPIONS in 2004 and 2nd Place WORLD CHAMPS in 2003!

Yeah, I should have said "a key player". I will change that now. I am just excited that I get to do all the wiring
Reminds me of the old joke about who was the most vital part of a human body..... after a protracted debate (and a brief stoppage) the "waste disposal system" won the argument.
Well Krumlink you've got an advantage as you know a little C18. You'll need it to program that beast.
I wonder if you can use Swordfish BASIC with it?
Leftyretro said:
Just remember K, there is no i in team


Unless Apple makes it -- then it'd be "iTeam".

(Had to edit -- just saw this quote above in another members sig -- to quick with the quote button!)
Yeah I know, we are one of the major players in the FRC world. World champs once and 2nd!

Yup, and we get at least that from our sponsors.
Krumlink said:
Yeah, we have only $36,000 Per team...

Holy ****, My team has a budget of $1800, Is it the skills Canada competition? (Edit nvm your in the states, that would explain the astounding amount of money you guys get )

Yea I wanted to have what your doing but I am the only one on my team that can do the overall mechanical stuff.

Dont forget without everyone else you will have nothing to control
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A $36,000 budget? In Michigan? What school system is this? West Bloomfield, Detroit Country Day, or one of the Indian nation schools?
Goodrich, we were 2nd place champs in 2003 and World champs in 2004, so we are pretty renoun. Goodrich Area Schools.
I just joined a team this year as a mentor. My highschool was too arts oriented, so they didnt do anything cool like FRC. I'm not sure what exactly they won, but I guess they are really good. It's team 291. I'm gonna be in charge of the programming group, so it should be pretty fun.

What regional competitions are you going to?
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