I bought one of those electronic bug zapper fly swatters. they sort of work.

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I just picked up an electronic bug zapper fly swatter and yes they do work sort of.

One good zap takes out mosquitoes well enough but the common house fly just gets stunned for a few seconds if you don't hit them a few more times right way.

I think I need to turn it up quite a bit to be honest!

Anyone know whats a good charge to aim for when killing flies on the first strike? 2 - 3 KV on a 1uf cap seem like a good value to aim for?
Hmmm, I've seen and used one before. Worked well on a fly i POUNDED. Also worked well on my mates ear, coz he was listening to the buzzing noise from the swatter
I have studied the flight pattern of house flies. When they life off, they usually go up and backward. Thus, I swat (with my hands) above and slightly behind them. Never miss.

I gave my toy a quick look over and the circuits do seem similar. Not exactly the same but similar.

So yea I am thinking of reworking the voltage multiplier section to add another 1000 or so volts and switching out the two little green HV gumdrop capacitors with a set of much larger ones.

What I want is it to charge up to just short of break over voltage between the grids which are about 3/16" apart and then have enough charge built up to blow a flies wings off!

Right now when i hit a fly with it it makes a small pop at best. I want it to go off like a firecracker!
This is the circuit in one of those bug zappers.View attachment 80795
I have a row of zappers but they don't work from 3 volts. They plug in to 110VAC. They catch flies on fire. Smells bad.

I think the voltage needs to be high to get the little mosquitoes. At the arc over point.
The flies need more current not voltage.
Some pictures of whats in the bug zapper. Also one ive altered as a barbeque lighter/cattle prod.
KV, wasn't game to check the secondary voltage as im sure it would wreck my multimeter.

I've brushed up against 15k, I seen a guy take an arc from a microwave at the Mag, It went through his index finger, and out his thumb to ground on the cabinet.

He had 2 white holes on the finger and thumb.

He was an idiot, I told him not to get so close, it was as if I dared him. Dumb...A. People like that shouldn't be aloud to breed.


Edit: Oh ya, and the reason for all of this was, (he asked what is a Magnetron?) I was testing the Microwave at the time.

I held my finger about a 1 foot away, saying the square thing and aluminum in the middle of the Microwave, with 2 wires coming from the secondary of the Transformer & Diode. He said where? I said, right where I told you. He wasn't satisfied with the answer and said here? About 5inches away, I said, yah and I wouldn't get to close to it if I were you.

As a Newbie Tech, he was fearless. Then it all happened as he pushed forward, you mean........here about an inch away...... zappppp!
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This is one of those hand held ones that looks like a little tennis racket. It has a yellow end with a black handle.

Yes the arc over voltage is what I want to increase being this one is too low as far as I am concerned. After that the peak current is easily changed by adding a much bigger capacitor to the output which is what killing flies needs.

I have had a few of the AC powered bug lights too. The problem I have had is some nights they get so full of insects they start arcing over and the whole thing goes up in flames!
Here, the mosquitoes (and bats that ate them) are gone because my city puts larvacide in all the drains and ponds. It does not affect animals and birds.
The flies (and most racoons) are also gone because my city has frequent garbage pickup.

Therefore I have never seen and never needed a bug zapper.
Nice! so basically, if i read that schematic right, it's HV is created byt charge-pump made of caps/diodes compo? anyway, simple circuit.
Nice! so basically, if i read that schematic right, it's HV is created byt charge-pump made of caps/diodes compo? anyway, simple circuit.

That's basically it. A simple single transistor primary oscillator and a tiny step transformer with a voltage multiplier circuit behind that.

I figure its a pretty easy circuit to hack to get the output voltage even higher and bring the peak shick power up as well.

Now if I only had a workshop or a computer room with my electronics gear to work in plus all of my parts where I can find them too.

My last project, I took over the kitchen table, I'm still there, I'm just saying.

I have 2 kids and their partners in my house. But, it's the Oldest daughter, that is in my shop. Piles and Piles of boxes and freaking crap. (Drives me insane)

So, I told my wife, you want your table back, get the oldest to move her stuff out of the shop.

I feel your pain.

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Yea. Not going to try that this week.

Yesterday I needed to light the pilot light on the furnace which meant moving her pile of crap out of the hallway first. I picked it up and put it the spare bedroom since it is not being used and probably won't be for a while yet.

All hell broke loose when she got home yesterday.

Apparently that room is supposed to be a sealed class 10+ clean room or something that is not to be used as a temporary storage place for her crap and certainly not mine. However tripping over it in the hallway for the last three months is fine.

BTW the pile of crap is all brand new stuff for house fix up projects that she planned to do. Well her actual plan was to get me to do them which did not fly so that's why it''s been sitting in the hallway all summer.
Yea. Not going to try that this week.

Yup, I've been with her over 20yrs, so I can get away with a lot more, I earned it. :WINK:

Edit: It's a slow process, I'm really good at it. 20yrs, hell I can do 40
Edit: Edit: In the end, it's more pain without her, than with her, what ever it takes. The wisdom is in how hard you can work at it. Me it's all day and every day. Whooa.
Last Edit: TCM, over time, you can do anything, pick and choose your battles. Don't sweat the dumb crap. Just move your pawn slowly and don't give up your rook.
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