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I can't compile this code... Help Me, Please

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HI all
I have a code for Frequency Meter... But I can't compile..
I am a newbe in Programming...
I am using Micro C for PIC..

program freq628a
' FREQUENCY COUNTER 10Hz- 5.000MHZ; 5.000MHZ- 250.000MHZ with MB506 Prescaler
' Author: Alex Boguslavsky, RH Electronic
' mail:
' License: SHAREWARE. You can modify for your own personal needs.
' Commercial usage is restricted!
' You are responsible for any hardware or software modifications!
' PROJECT SETTINGS, CONFIG   :$2007 : 0x2143
' navigate Project--> Edit project
' MCU: PIC16F628A
' Oscillator Frequency: 4.000000MHZ
' Oscillator Selection: I/O Function on RA6, CLKIN on RA7
' Watchgod Timer:   disabled
' Power-Up Timer:   enabled
' RA5/ MCLR:        disabled
' Brown-Out Detect: enabled
' LV Programming:   disabled
' EE Protection:    disabled
' Flash protection: disabled

' 1000ms for 0Hz-100KHz  prescaler OFF
' 100ms  for 100KHz-5MHz prescaler OFF

' 1000ms for 5MHz-16MHz   prescaler ON
' 100ms  for 16MHz-250MHz prescaler ON

' MB506 prescaler has 50 ohm input impedance and very sensitive for weak signals.
' with MB506 you can measure weak radio signals. When input is not connected,
' the prescaler will pick up radio frequency signals and LCD will
' display some values between 50Mhz-500MHz

' Low frequency input has good accuracy for signals up to 5MHz with minimum
' amplitude of 1V peak-to-peak.
dim LCD_RS as sbit at RB1_bit
    LCD_EN as sbit at RB0_bit
    LCD_D4 as sbit at RA3_bit
    LCD_D5 as sbit at RA2_bit
    LCD_D6 as sbit at RA0_bit
    LCD_D7 as sbit at RA1_bit

    LCD_RS_Direction as sbit at TRISB1_bit
    LCD_EN_Direction as sbit at TRISB0_bit
    LCD_D4_Direction as sbit at TRISA3_bit
    LCD_D5_Direction as sbit at TRISA2_bit
    LCD_D6_Direction as sbit at TRISA0_bit
    LCD_D7_Direction as sbit at TRISA1_bit

dim freq     as word              ' 16 bit variable for frequency 2^16
    freq1    as longword          ' 32 bit variable for frequency 2^32
    cnt      as word              ' 16 bit variable for interrupt counter
    ch       as byte              ' variable for extracting the frequency on LCD
    ch1      as byte
    ch2      as byte
    n        as longint           ' 32 bit variable for delay counter

dim TIMER_START as byte           ' Timer 1 start configuration byte
    TIMER_STOP  as byte           ' Timer 1 stop configuration byte
    prescaler   as byte           ' prescaler value
dim message     as string[16]     ' text variable for measuring window 100ms or 1000ms

sub procedure interrupt()         ' Timer 1 interrupt subprocedure
  if (TMR1IF_bit = 1) then
     inc (cnt)                    ' increment cnt variable each time Timer 1 is overflow
     TMR1IF_bit = 0
  end if
end sub

CMCON  = %00000111               ' turn off comparator module
TRISA  = %00100000               ' port A configuration
TRISB  = %01001100               ' port B configuration. RB2, RB3, RB6 as input
T1CON  = %00110110               ' Timer 1 control register, starting configuration: timer is stopped, external clock on RB6 not in sync with crystal oscillator, 1:8 prescale
PIE1   = %00000001               ' Periferal interrupt register. Enable Timer 1 overflow, all other interrupts are disabled
INTCON = %11000000               ' Global interrupt register. Enable allowed periferal interrupts.

Lcd_Init()                       ' Initialize Lcd
delay_ms(100)                    ' wait for the lcd module stabilization
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR)              ' Clear display
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF)         ' Cursor off
if PORTB.2 = 1 then              ' check RB2 prescaler switch S2
  prescaler = 64                  ' select prescaler mode 1/64
  LCD_OUT (2, 1, "1/64" )
  PORTA.6 = 0                     ' turn on MB506
  prescaler = 1                   ' select prescaler mode 1/1
  PORTA.6 = 1                     ' turn off MB506
end if
  while(1)                        ' main program cycle
   cnt = 0                        ' zero cnt variable

   TMR1H = 0x00                   ' zero 16 bit Timer 1 values
   TMR1L = 0x00
   if PORTB.3 = 1 then            ' if 100ms window selected on S1
    message = " 100ms"            ' display 100ms on LCD
    TIMER_START = %00110111       ' Timer 1 start value: timer is started, external clock on RB6 not in sync with crystal oscillator, 1:8 prescale
    TIMER_STOP  = %00110110       ' Timer 1 stop value: timer is stopped, external clock on RB6 not in sync with crystal oscillator, 1:8 prescale

       GIE_bit = 1                ' enable all interrupts
       T1CON = TIMER_START        ' start Timer 1

        for n = 0 to 2435         ' create custom 100ms delay window
        next n

       T1CON = TIMER_STOP          ' stop Timer 1
       GIE_bit = 0                 ' disable interrupts
   else                            ' if 100ms window selected
    TIMER_START = %00000111        ' Timer 1 start value: timer is started, external clock on RB6 not in sync with crystal oscillator, 1:1 prescale
    TIMER_STOP  = %00000110        ' Timer 1 stop value: timer is stopped, external clock on RB6 not in sync with crystal oscillator, 1:1 prescale
    message = "1000ms"             ' display 1000ms on LCD
       GIE_bit = 1                 ' enable all interrupts
       T1CON = TIMER_START         ' start Timer 1
       delay_us(999999)            ' create 1000ms delay window
       T1CON = TIMER_STOP          ' stop Timer 1
       GIE_bit = 0                 ' disable interrupts
   end if
   freq = TMR1L + TMR1H*256        ' calculate 16 bit frequency variable
   if PORTB.3 = 1 then             ' calculate frequency 32 bit variable
   freq1 = freq*80*prescaler + 65536*80 * cnt * prescaler  ' if window duration is 100ms

   freq1 = freq * prescaler + 65536 * cnt * prescaler      ' if window duartion is 1000ms

   end if
                ' Extract frequency on LCD
                tens_of_MHz:                             ' extract megahertz
                ch = freq1 div 100000000
                 if ch>0 then
                 LCD_Chr(1, 1, 48+ch)
                 LCD_Chr(1, 1, " ")
                 end if
                ch1 = (freq1 div 10000000) mod 10
                 if ch1>0 then
                 LCD_Chr(1, 2, 48+ch1)
                     if ch>0 then
                     LCD_Chr(1, 2, "0")
                     LCD_Chr(1, 2, " ")
                     end if
                 end if
                ch2 = (freq1 div 1000000) mod 10
                 if ch2>0 then
                  LCD_Chr_CP (".")
                  LCD_OUT(1, 14, "MHz")
                  goto hundred
                  if ch>0 then
                  LCD_Chr(1, 3, "0")
                  LCD_Chr_CP (".")
                  LCD_OUT(1, 14, "MHz")
                  goto hundred
                  end if
                 if ch1>0 then
                  LCD_Chr(1, 3, "0")
                  LCD_Chr_CP (".")
                  LCD_OUT(1, 14, "MHz")
                  goto hundred
                  end if

                  LCD_OUT(1, 14, "KHz")
                 end if
                 LCD_OUT(1, 3,  "  ")
                 LCD_OUT(1, 14, "KHz")
                hundred:                                   ' extract thousands
                ch = (freq1 div 100000) mod 10
                LCD_Chr (1, 5, 48+ch)
                ch = (freq1 div 10000) mod 10
                LCD_Chr_CP (48+ch)
                ch = (freq1 div 1000) mod 10
                LCD_Chr_CP (48+ch)

                ten:                                        ' extract tens
                if prescaler > 1 then
                goto message
                end if
                LCD_Chr_CP (".")
                ch = (freq1 div 100) mod 10
                LCD_Chr_CP (48+ch)
                ch = (freq1 div 10) mod 10
                LCD_Chr_CP (48+ch)
                ch = freq1 mod 10
                LCD_Chr_CP (48+ch)
                LCD_OUT(2,11, message)
    delay_ms(100)                                          ' wait 100ms before next loop  for proper LCD update


Thank you in Advance
A quick look at the website for that counter:
Author: Alex Boguslavsky, RH Electronic

There is a PDF manual to download, on on page 9 of 10, it clearly states:

Microcontroller program written in mikrobasic compiler.

So no, it will never compile using a C compiler.

Can you give me the hex code?

No, I do not have the hex code.

Download the free version of the mikro basic compiler and see if it produces a workable hex file.... The free version is a 2k code limit.... You don't know unless you try!!
Big fan of Mikroe products. The 2KB limitation is pretty generous. You can do a lot with just 2KB, and some PICs only have this amount of program memory. As an longtime user of MikroC (the demo version with the 2KB enforcement) -- I purchased an license yesterday for USD 249. Money well spent. Now I can fully code an 8KB 16F877a! I would never go back to using BASIC after using C. C just makes that much more sense to me.
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