When I got home today I noticed my mobile phone flashing the blue ' you have a text message light', strange I thought, no one messages me in the morning as I dont normally have a signal or I am at school with them.
So read the TXT and I get something like the following (paraphrased)
Dear Logan could you please click the link below (the link said natwestfaud) as we have reason to believe your bank account may be the subject of a fraud. Prompt action is required before money is taken from your account. If you prefer you may call the following fraud action line for assistance.
Under this was an 'EMERGENCY' Number to call.
Now I was a bit worried by all this!! But maybe not for the reason's you would be worried, what worried me was they used my name!! That struck me as really odd. It mainly struck me as really odd because I dont have a NAT WEST bank account! Then again I dont actually have a bank account in my name!!
The odd bit apart from bad spelling and funny English is, the phone isnt in my name!! I am too young for a phone contract. So there I am standing by the phone, a victim of a bank fraud on a bank account that dosnt exist, whats more it couldnt be bank error or a multi bank getting the name wrong as I dont have any bank account! What annoyed me was the phone wasnt in my name, I dont give out my phone number to people I dont know, I use a very old and very defunct phone number for silly online forms that insist on a phone number, and for couriers etc I give my mums number!
So I sat down for a bit and got more and more annoyed, so after a while I thought................. Well lets see what they got to say! maybe my non existent bank account has been emptied?? Maybe some one has stolen ALL the money I DONT have!! OMG
So I call them on the number
And someone answers........ now upto this point its been really simple, i am the victim of bank theft!! from an account I dont have and have been informed on a phone not linked to me! So things get really bizarre, the guy on the phone sounded like he worked at a call center (UK people know exactly what I mean
) and very politely asked me for my name and phone number! So I said my name was Donald Trump and gave the mobile number they had used, within 2 seconds he said ah yes Mr Trump you bank account has been hacked!! We need your credit card details immediately so we can transfer the money from your account to the card so its safe (thats funny I thought they had taken my cash??), so I said well cant you just shove it all in a shoe box for me?? keep it under the desk? So the guy says No it MUST be done on your credit card.
I explain I dont have a credit card (I am too young anyway!) so having been told I must transfer it to my credit card he says....... Thats ok Mr Trump we can transfer it to our account and transfer it back once the threat has passed. So I said great Ok go ahead, so he says transfer your funds to this account immediately, and starts giving me the details to a non UK bank!!
So I said to him... erm arnt you calling me from Nat West Bank? Oh Yes he said, So I ask why he is asking ME to transfer my non existent money to a different bank. There is a pause for a split second and without hardly missing a beat he whispers, I shouldnt tell you this but all the bank has been hacked!! send money now. So I am now slightly bored and my free mins are being used up, so I say to him hang on I dont have a pen can you text me the bank account details? yes he said but you must do it now, so I ask how long do I have and he says less than 5 minuets before its all gone.
Anyway a long story short I go back through the conversation with him and point out a few of his errors. By this time 10 mins have passed, so he says look you must do this in the next 5 mins or your money will all be gone, so I say well its gone anyway. Silence then he says why has it gone? so i say because 10 mins ago you said I had 5 mins and we have talked for ten, ten minus 5 is 5 so I lost it 5 mins ago. Cheeky whats it says to me, Hurry hurry and transfer I have been stopping them hacking your account while we have been talking. So I tell him in very unfriendly terms to carry on the good anti hacking work and to go and reproduce a couple of times with himself or a close female relative.
I put the phone down and tell my mum. Just when I thought the stupidity had stopped my mum says................... Well hadnt you better check your bank account!!
I now know what Alice in wonderland felt like!! So I said to my mum......So I have a bank account then? with money in?, she says dont be silly your money is kept in my saving account!! So I ask her what account I should check, she looks at me and says the Nat West one!!
5-10 seconds later the penny drops and because NOTHING gets past my mum she says... Maybe its an attempt at fraud!! Yeah do you think mum?
Anyway she calls the police and gives them the details they have text me of the bank account in a country beginning with N, they just say not much we can do its outside of the EU. Now having fully explained EVERYTHING to the police on my behalf with the speaker phone on, the last thing the police say is.......
Get your Son to call His bank and check for suspicious activity!!
Is it me or have I just been surrounded by stupidity today? Anyway the number the txt message came from has been put on every spam site and used on every well know iffy site that ask for phone numbers that I could find in a 3 hour period

. I hope him and the bible sales people sort something out, no idea how he will do with the scam artists about to call, I so wish I could hear his calls for the next two weeks lol.
So does anyone think I should check with Nat West that Mr LG Donald Trump has still got his cash
So read the TXT and I get something like the following (paraphrased)
Dear Logan could you please click the link below (the link said natwestfaud) as we have reason to believe your bank account may be the subject of a fraud. Prompt action is required before money is taken from your account. If you prefer you may call the following fraud action line for assistance.
Under this was an 'EMERGENCY' Number to call.
Now I was a bit worried by all this!! But maybe not for the reason's you would be worried, what worried me was they used my name!! That struck me as really odd. It mainly struck me as really odd because I dont have a NAT WEST bank account! Then again I dont actually have a bank account in my name!!
The odd bit apart from bad spelling and funny English is, the phone isnt in my name!! I am too young for a phone contract. So there I am standing by the phone, a victim of a bank fraud on a bank account that dosnt exist, whats more it couldnt be bank error or a multi bank getting the name wrong as I dont have any bank account! What annoyed me was the phone wasnt in my name, I dont give out my phone number to people I dont know, I use a very old and very defunct phone number for silly online forms that insist on a phone number, and for couriers etc I give my mums number!
So I sat down for a bit and got more and more annoyed, so after a while I thought................. Well lets see what they got to say! maybe my non existent bank account has been emptied?? Maybe some one has stolen ALL the money I DONT have!! OMG
So I call them on the number
And someone answers........ now upto this point its been really simple, i am the victim of bank theft!! from an account I dont have and have been informed on a phone not linked to me! So things get really bizarre, the guy on the phone sounded like he worked at a call center (UK people know exactly what I mean
I explain I dont have a credit card (I am too young anyway!) so having been told I must transfer it to my credit card he says....... Thats ok Mr Trump we can transfer it to our account and transfer it back once the threat has passed. So I said great Ok go ahead, so he says transfer your funds to this account immediately, and starts giving me the details to a non UK bank!!
So I said to him... erm arnt you calling me from Nat West Bank? Oh Yes he said, So I ask why he is asking ME to transfer my non existent money to a different bank. There is a pause for a split second and without hardly missing a beat he whispers, I shouldnt tell you this but all the bank has been hacked!! send money now. So I am now slightly bored and my free mins are being used up, so I say to him hang on I dont have a pen can you text me the bank account details? yes he said but you must do it now, so I ask how long do I have and he says less than 5 minuets before its all gone.
Anyway a long story short I go back through the conversation with him and point out a few of his errors. By this time 10 mins have passed, so he says look you must do this in the next 5 mins or your money will all be gone, so I say well its gone anyway. Silence then he says why has it gone? so i say because 10 mins ago you said I had 5 mins and we have talked for ten, ten minus 5 is 5 so I lost it 5 mins ago. Cheeky whats it says to me, Hurry hurry and transfer I have been stopping them hacking your account while we have been talking. So I tell him in very unfriendly terms to carry on the good anti hacking work and to go and reproduce a couple of times with himself or a close female relative.
I put the phone down and tell my mum. Just when I thought the stupidity had stopped my mum says................... Well hadnt you better check your bank account!!
I now know what Alice in wonderland felt like!! So I said to my mum......So I have a bank account then? with money in?, she says dont be silly your money is kept in my saving account!! So I ask her what account I should check, she looks at me and says the Nat West one!!
5-10 seconds later the penny drops and because NOTHING gets past my mum she says... Maybe its an attempt at fraud!! Yeah do you think mum?
Anyway she calls the police and gives them the details they have text me of the bank account in a country beginning with N, they just say not much we can do its outside of the EU. Now having fully explained EVERYTHING to the police on my behalf with the speaker phone on, the last thing the police say is.......
Get your Son to call His bank and check for suspicious activity!!
Is it me or have I just been surrounded by stupidity today? Anyway the number the txt message came from has been put on every spam site and used on every well know iffy site that ask for phone numbers that I could find in a 3 hour period

So does anyone think I should check with Nat West that Mr LG Donald Trump has still got his cash