I have no idea about sun tracker system. can any one help?

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New Member
i have no idea how to build 'SUN TRACKER' and how does it work? and which programming language is used for controlling it? do i have to have a lot of progamming knowledge?

can anyone help me to answer these questions?

you can either reply here or send me email: vpho2@student.monash.edu.au?

thank you very much.


SUN TRACKER or Solar photovoltaic sun tracking system

sorry for not giving clear idea.

SUN TRACKER or Solar photovoltaic sun tracking system.

i would like to design, build and test an inexpensive controlled sun tracking system for a solar photovoltaic panel. Tracking, which aims to keep the solar panel perpendicular to the incident sunlight, maximizes the energy conversion efficiency of the solar panel. An algorithm based tracking system calculates the position of the sun at discrete time intervals which can achieve satisfactory results for flat plat solar panels.

mainly, i wanna know what i should do and which programming language is used to control it to move? should i have a very strong programming knowledge?

thanks if you can help me out.

Here's a suggestion...

You don't have to use any programming at all. This kind of circuit can be built using a few ICs. Perhaps you've built or heard of robots that seek light. They use 2 photoresistors (or phototransistors) and a comparator chip. When left sensor "sees" more light, right motor is enabled and rotates the robot until both sensors see equal amount of light. You can apply the same principle to your sun tracking solar panel. Try searching for "light seeking robots" (or similar phrase) to find a circuit. The only problem you might face is that these robots usually move straight forward all the time, but I think that you could correct this behaviour by using a few logic chips...
This might help, the site "cicuitos.terra.cl" appears to have closed down this gif image is from my picture grabbers monthly trawl of net.


  • www.circuitos.terra.cl-schem-r21.gif
    137.4 KB · Views: 1,949
thanks for your help

thanks for your help.

this is my first time to use this website

it's very useful and helpful.

thanks again,


I'd just add that you probably want to add some algorithm that resets the tracker before the end of the day back to the facing east direction, as it's possible the photoresistors and the solar panels themselves may not seeing the rise of the sun the next day.
Alex, you can even stay uC free there: when Both sensors are < any real light Voltage; reset to East limit: 2 comparators feed an AND.
I'll go ya that a uC is a much easier path, but its' learning curve to do it is SO much more.

One of my metrics: "You can't effectively teach something that you don't remember when you Couldn't do it". It's proportional: the more it's "second nature", the less you'll remember its' pitfalls of learning it.

This is a central reason why I don't post much: I'd come off condescending at best, scathingly acerbic at worst. Neither is positive contribution... <<<)))

P.S. It isn't that I'm that good, I've just been doing it that long... 1st dba 1978.
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Hi tvp2598,

here is a suntracker circuit which doesn't require a microcontroller.

Sensors are four red LEDs (8-10mm diameter) with clear dome.

The circuit tracks until the azimuth limit switch is reached. Upon activating the limit switch a timer circuit starts counting time (selectable from ~17 to 80 minutes via DIP switches).

When the timer circuit times out the panels are moved towards the sunrise position, thus giving some extra energy even at sunset. (Depending on the latitude time from sunset to dawn might last up to 2.5 hours - at 60deg North and South the sun never sets at mid summer).

Here is the schematic and double sided circuit board.

If you want to build the circuit just PM me your email address. I'll then send you the Eagle files.



    106.1 KB · Views: 183
    44.7 KB · Views: 181
Whoh, steady there guys, this is an eight year old thread which has been resurected.
The OP has not been here on ETO since 5th December 2003.
hi boncuk i want to build the circuit too please send me the eagle files to me thank you !!!!
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