The transformer is 240 vac 60 amp primary, 14,000. volt secondary.
There are 2 toroid inductors 30 turns each on both 14,000. volt wires from the AC transformer. Toroids are 2" diameter each This prevents 200KHz from getting into the 60Hz transformer.
The 3 oil filled caps are .01 uf each rated 35,000. volts each.
Secondary is 1 to 5 ratio with 950 turns of enamel coated copper wire.
The PVC pipe for the secondary is 11.5 inch outside diameter.
11.5" x 5 = 57.5" long secondary with 950 turns.
Do the math to learn which wire diameter to use to get 950 turns.
The variable speed vacuum fan spark gap has 9 gaps, .030" each gap with 3/4" copper tubing 2" long each. Turn the variac to dial in motor speed for maximum length arcs. Spark gaps can be switched to, 8, 7, gaps what every works best for your circuit. The high speed fan keeps the spark gap cool. If spark gap over heats the output arcs become very short.
The C shape strike rail is 1" above the primary. You need a 3" cap in the C with a wire to earth ground.