I have pictures this time. Mosfet switch to load need help for charging battery Noob!

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New Member
This time I got my computer fixed and I have attached some pictuers.

In the begining I was going to put a mechanical switch alone between a resistance load and a lithium battery. Well I realized I need to be able to charge the battery, and with out the switch pressed down while charging(not an option) that won't happen.

So I found out a mosfet switch is how its done. However I'm just not sure how to go about doing it. I've gathered that the gate always has to be either at at the neg or positive of the battery. from what I've figured some say a TVS diode can do this as opposed to having a switch always resting to negative do it and I can slide the mechanical switch to put the gate +V to turn power on to the load.

No my problem is I'm still not sure how to charge the battery. The load gets removed(unscrewed) and a battery charger is put in its place. I need to be able to have the voltage(wich is already appropriate for the mosfet gate) from the charger open the circuit so I can charge the battery.

In my limited understanding of this type of electronics I thought maybe I could do it using two N and two P channel mosfets. But I'm certain one of you guys would know of a simple solution that someone with my limited understanding can't figure out. I've seen boads that do the same thing and hey appear to have two mosfets on them and NOT 4. I'm also figuing they probably don't use a pchannel mosfet either.

IF someone can help me out that would be great. Its kind of a sticking point in my project since I'm not very familiar with mosfets and such. images attached.


  • mechanical switch.jpg
    7.2 KB · Views: 181
  • mosfet switch.jpg
    6.8 KB · Views: 200
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