I need a good help in PWM 16f877 ....... PLEAZE

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New Member

I am a student in electrical engineering. I am doing a project that aims to control a robot using DC motor. I am using pic16f877 motorola. I have basic knowledge about the its feature. I want a step by step help to generate a PWM signal from the pic.

Thanks in advance

:wink: :wink:
Thanx alot foryour help....one more thing, can u give me url for a site that gives a comlpete information about PIC programming (like tutorials)
modi_66 said:
Thanx alot foryour help....one more thing, can u give me url for a site that gives a comlpete information about PIC programming (like tutorials)

My site, mentioned above, gives PIC tutorials - but it's not an 'idiots guide', it relies on you working as well, it basically gives working examples of ways to do different things. In general, this is all you really need.
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