I need about 100 input !!!

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Hey ...

i need about 100 input so what i can do ?
shall i use MUX or Decoder For the input lines or what i can Do ?

i have no experience on pic but can i connect 4 Uc's together ? i know it seems impossible

but what is the best solution
As you don't mention exactly what it's for, it's impossible to say.

But a single 16F877 can easily multiplex a 10x10 keyboard array giving 100 inputs.

You can certainly connect 4 micro-controllers together if you wanted, that's no problem at all.

Thanks for the fast reply
but how can i connect them together ?
You still give no clue as to what you're trying to do, and any answers depend entirely on that.
the 100 input coming from sensors so i need to input them to the micro
it is the usage So could it easily multiplexing or may i use MUX or Decoder ?
the 100 input coming from sensors so i need to input them to the micro
it is the usage So could it easily multiplexing or may i use MUX or Decoder ?

You're still not very clear, but presuming the inputs are referenced to ground, and not floating, you can't multiplex then as a matrix. You also don't give any clue if they are analogue or digital either - in fact you don't give much info at all. But if it's analogue look at CMOS switches, if it's digital, then decoder IC's.
Kemo0o what are you doing? What are the sensors sensing? What are the sensors? Why do you need 100 inputs?
If all inputs are to be read, and not used for interupts AND digital, then some parallel to serial shift registers, cascaded would do. Of course, its a bit of a hassle to check their status, as you'd have to read them in all at once, or at least one cihp at a time (8-bits).

Or you could do it in parallel, using D-type latches, and tristate outputs.

All depends on your application.

the 100 input coming from sensors so i need to input them to the micro
it is the usage So could it easily multiplexing or may i use MUX or Decoder ?
Without knowing what the sensors output people can only guess. Tell us what you are doing and what the sensor output are ?
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