I need help identifying an lcd.

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I bought 4 of the same 17" lcd screens at an auction. The person who I bought them from didn't know anything about them. They claimed that the manufacturer is Hitachi, but so far in all my researching, I haven't been able to verify that. If anybody out there can give me any info at all, I'd really appreciate it. I have more pictures of the screen but I'm not sure how to put them in this post. Let me know if you'd like me to email them to you. Thanks in advance.
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What you need to find out is the part number of the LCD driver IC's. They should have many legs on them. Then you need to find the datasheetS for the IC's to figure out how to drive the panel.
Thanks for your reply. I looked at both circuit boards that are on the lcd, and neither of them appears to have the IC's that you mentioned. That's why it has been so tough to figure any info on them. I appreciate the info though.
I was finally able to find out who the manufacturer of the lcd is. It's CMO or Chi Mei Optronics. However, I haven't been able to locate any datasheets or info for the model that I believe it is. If you might be able to recommend any sites for this sort of info, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for the help.
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