I need help with a simple free electron pump circuit.

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I am getting 5 volts and 20 milliamps from my earth battery setup. I need to output the charge to a small rechargeable battery and then power output to a string of 2 volt LED's. The next thing I want to do with the earth battery setup is to power a Wifi router. I can put more earth battery setups in place to increase the volts and amps if needed. Even though the meter is showing 5 volts and 20 milliamps I think there are more free electrons available. I have been looking at Joule thief circuits to pump free electrons. I want to use this to supply low power for lighting and other things in Nicaragua on my mission there. Please assist if you can and if you know of anyone with electronic experience that wants to go with my group then please let me know. Facebook page NicaMission, Email djquigly@yahoo.com or Cal my Cell at 1-765-513-2063. Thank you.
I am getting 5 volts and 20 milliamps from my earth battery setup.

Five volts is larger than I normally see. Are you using 10 cells?
20mA is small. You probably need 10 to 50 in parallel to power a router.
Just out of curiosity, have you given any thought to a small windmill, hand generator, small solar panels?
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